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30 Kg Weight Loss in 3 Months Diet Plan

My weight loss story - 15 things I did to lose 30 kgs

What is it like to be humiliated for being fat and asked to go on a weight loss plan in front of all your friends and teachers in college? Ask 22-year-old Mumbai-based Aishwarya Salagre. Almost a year ago, Aishwarya, along with her friends, enrolled for a fashion show audition during her college fest. While my friends made it through the selection process, I was told that I had no chance because I was too fat. I was used to taunts, but this really incident really broke me down. I was very hurt, Aishwarya says. Aishwarya hadn t always been overweight. As an avid sportsperson in her boarding school, she had always had been athletic and fit. After school, as Aishwarya began college in Mumbai, things changed for the worse. At 5''3, Aishwarya weighed 97 kgs. That day in college inspired Aishwarya to change her ways. Now, a year later, Aishwarya weighs 30 kilos less.

Here, Aishwarya shares 30 things she kept in mind to lose 30 kilos:

1) You need that one trigger to inspire you to join a gym. But after you've joined, you need to kep going. My initial euphoria of getting fit wore off in a few days. I used to work out just once a week or even once a month. For the first 2-3 months, there was absolutely no difference in my weight, not even 100 gms. What hampered my efforts even further was my PCOD diagnosis. It was difficult for me to lose weight with PCOD.

2) I have tried crash diets, keto diet, fruit diet and several other diets. But everything is temporary. Immediately after you stop dieting, you start bloating and putting on weight because of water retention.

3) There are no short cuts. You need to be focused on your goal. You can t skip exercise just because you eat fruits on one day. You need to be consistent.

4) A combination of exercises works well. Right now, I m doing swimming, running, walking, cardio, weights, kickboxing, MMA and functional training.

5) I read up a lot of books especially Rujuta Diwekar s diet and food books. I also took inspiration from biographies of people like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

weight loss aishwarya

6) YouTube transformation videos are great to give you all the motivation you need. When you see someone fatter than you lose weight, it really helps.

7) You must eat only those things that suit you and do exercises that you feel good about. I made my own diet and exercise plan based on my own research.

8) Cook your own meals; they are healthier. You know exactly what you re putting in the food you eat.

9) Make sure you indulge in your favorite (not so healthy) food once in a while. I have a cheat day once every 15 days. I usually have Chinese food then. It s my all-time favourite!

10) Don t keep junk food at home. I completely gave up eating biscuits and chips because I stopped keeping them at home.

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11) Have a variety of food. Make sure it s a combination of different vegetables, proteins, and carbs. I have eggs in the morning, chicken for lunch, protein shakes, nuts for snacks and salad and vegetables for dinner.

12) Always keep your dinner light.

13) You should customize your diet according to your weight loss goal. For instance, now I want to lose weight, so I limit my carb intake and load up on protein.

14) Hire a personal trainer. A personal trainer will not only help you with exercises, they will also mentally make you strong with the constant encouragement they keep giving.

15) Never compare yourself to others. Don t be conscious when working out in a gym. Just keep doing your stuff.

Read: Fitness consultant Shreejith Nair talks about his amazing weight loss and transformation & shares tips that help him look the way he is today

Weight loss of 45 kgs without a personal trainer or a dietitian? This woman did it!

Image source: Aishwarya Salagare

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30 Kg Weight Loss in 3 Months Diet Plan
