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What Season Does Frank Reagan Get Fired on Blue Bloods

Francis "Frank" Xavier Reagan is the current, and the de facto patriarch of the Reagan family. He is the son of former NYC Police Commissioner Henry Reagan and Betty Reagan. Also, he is a widower of Mary Reagan. Frank has four children: Daniel, Erin, Joseph and Jameson. Unfortunately, his son Joseph was killed in the line of duty. Frank has four grandchildren: Joseph, Nicole, Jack, and Sean. While he loves the NYPD and his work as, Frank occasionally finds himself questioning whether he still wants the job.

Despite being Commissioner, he has prior experience in the NYPD. Frank is not afraid to use his prior experience to conduct his own investigations into circumstances surrounding current events. Frank uncovers new information this way, which allows him to draw decisive conclusions about the best course of action in those situations. While mindful of others, he has a prudent and steadfast approach towards resolving disputes, at work and at home.


Frank is the youngest son of Henry and Betty Reagan. Frank was born in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, New York. Frank had an older brother, Peter Reagan, who died of leukemia at the age of eighteen months over a year before Frank was born, resulting in Frank growing up as an only child.

Frank married Mary Reagan in the early 1970s. They have four children together: Daniel, Erin, Joseph and Jameson.

All of Frank's sons followed him to the NYPD. Daniel holds the rank of Detective 1st Grade and is part of the Major Case Squad, assigned to the 54th Precinct; Joseph held the rank of Detective 3rd Grade and was part of the, assigned to the 12th Precinct. Joseph was murdered by his partner Sonny Malevsky, the leader of a corrupt fraternal organization of NYPD police officers called the Blue Templar; Jameson holds the rank of and is assigned to the 29th Precinct. Frank's sole daughter, Erin, is an in the New York County District Attorney's Office. Erin holds the rank of Bureau Chief in the DANY.

In addition to his children, Frank is a loving grandfather to Erin's daughter, Nicole Reagan-Boyle, and Daniel's two children, Jack and Sean Reagan. In "Family Secrets", Frank discovers that he has one more grandson, Joseph Hill, the son of Joseph Reagan and Paula Hill. Frank's son, Joseph met Paula in the NYPD Police Academy. While visiting Frank at 1PP, Paula told him that Joseph and her had a brief affair, and she never told Joseph about his son. Paula revealed this information to Frank in an effort to get her son, Joseph assigned to a less dangerous precinct. In one episode, it is mentioned Mary's grandfather was one of the builders on the Brooklyn Bridge in the 1870s and '80s. Frank's grandfather, Charles Reagan, was an Irish immigrant who served in World War I before becoming a NYPD Police Officer. Charles taught Frank how to fish. In Whistle Blower, Frank mentions his great-uncle Teddy Reagan, a member of the NYPD Mounted Unit, who spent a cold night in a boxcar with his horse, Dolly and woke up in Pittsburgh.

Growing up, Frank became friends with Angelo Gallo, who grew up to be one of the top mafia lawyers. After Gallo was shot on the order of a former client, Frank publicly arrested Gallo for hindering prosecution, to protect him from being considered an informant. Another close friend of Frank's is Monsignor Walter Donahue, a priest part of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York.

Throughout the series, it is mentioned Frank does not have many friends in the New York City Council, especially after Detective Reagan's arrest of Councilmember Tommy Mancini, a former NYPD Detective, for domestic abuse.


Prior to becoming the Reagan family's third-generation NYPD Police Officer, Frank served as a first lieutenant in the Marine Corps, during the Vietnam War. He was awarded the Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal during his military service. Frank began his NYPD career as a Patrol Officer assigned to the 27th Precinct. After three years as a Patrol Officer, he was promoted to Detective 3rd Grade. Since then, Frank has been assigned to various assignments in the NYPD, eventually being appointed as Commissioner by Mayor Frank Russo. Additionally, Frank had made friends with other officers during his service, which include Lenny Ross, Donald Kent, Chris Scanlon and others.


In the 1970s, Frank led an attempt to apprehend Whitey Brennan, the head of the Westies, at his grandson's baptism. Due to the chaos, a shootout ensued in which two police officers were wounded and four people from the Westies were killed, including Whitey's wife and grandson.


In the early 1980s, Frank served in the Canine Team as a handler. However, he transferred out of the Canine Team after Greta, his partner, was shot and killed by a burglar Frank sent her after.

In June of 1982, Frank was able to end a war between two crime bosses in China Town. Frank along with his fellow officers were excited. While Henry said he was "more than a little bit stung" for Frank not mentioning it, he admitted he was proud as well.

In August of 1986, Frank and his partner at the time, Jerry, responded to a call about a woman assaulted by a thief. The thief smashed her face into a sidewalk, stole her watch and purse and ran off. When Frank and Jerry arrived, they caught the thief and arrested them. However, two other criminals waiting in a parked car came out. Frank and Jerry ensued in a shoot out with the criminals. While Jerry managed to hit one of them, the other escaped. Although, the criminal who was shot died on the scene and their firearm was never recovered. While Frank said it was a "questionable shooting" and testified to it, Frank confirmed the grand jury at the time declared the incident a "justifiable homicide".

Sometime in 1988, Frank apprehended a bank robber by himself before back up arrived on the scene. Henry stated Frank deserved to be awarded the Medal for Valor. However, Henry never gave Frank a medal or commendation bar during his time as Commissioner to avoid favoritism. Henry admits he regrets not awarding Frank the Medal for Valor.


From 1995 to 1999, Frank was the Commanding Officer of the Special Investigations Division, a special anti-narcotics task force. Among the men Frank selected for the task force was William J. "Billy" Flood, described as one of the best men in the division.


On September 11, 2001, Frank was among other police officers working in the North Tower when the South Tower collapsed. He spent days at Ground Zero and took refuge at St. Paul's Chapel, where he and other officers slept in the pews.

Police Commissioner

On September 24, 2010, Frank was appointed as Police Commissioner by Mayor Frank Russo. When asked to become Police Commissioner, Frank felt conflicted, since he was a police officer and preferred the view on the street opposed to the one in 1PP. Frank changed his mind when he asked "a man I trusted and admired" how he was qualified for the job. The man responded to Frank's question by stating, "You're a cops cop".

In 2011, after Carter Poole was elected to be Mayor, Frank offered to his resignation to Poole. Poole rejected Frank's resignation and allowed Frank to remain as the Police Commissioner. After Mayor Poole's successful reelection in 2015, Frank struggled to decide whether he wanted to remain as Police Commissioner for four years additional years. Additionally, Frank questioned whether Mayor Poole would ask him to remain as Police Commissioner. Frank ultimately decided to remain as Police Commissioner for "as long as the Mayor's head is in his ass" (which meant indefinitely). Mayor Poole officially asked Frank to remain as Police Commissioner in February 2016 and Frank agreed to remain.

Frank has an indifferent attitude towards politics. Frank often takes on the Mayor and numerous reporters who misinterpret his actions.

Frank tries hard to not judge people. Frank tends to remain quiet when hearing bad news or horrific details of an ongoing case.

Frank refuses to play favorites. In season four, Frank mentions he is afraid to recommend Officer Reagan (now with four years on the force) for promotion to Detective because it would look like nepotism.

In 2011, Frank was shot by Kevin Brennan, the son of the former head of the Westies who Frank arrested back in the '70s.

In This Way Out, Frank was the target of an assassination attempt by the Los Lordes gang. The Los Lordes gang tricked Hector Santiago, a mentally-challenged teenager of the Bitterman Housing Projects, into committing the assassination attempt. Santiago was given a firearm by a member of the Los Lordes gang and told to aim at Frank. The gang member told Santiago if he fired the firearm, it would be like playing "Grand Theft Auto Vice City." Santiago fired the firearm at Frank, although he missed him. Unfortunately, Santiago fatally hit Mayor Poole, leaving him paralyzed and permanently confined to a wheelchair.

One of Frank's predecessors, "Crooked" Commissioner Connors, served time in federal prison after he served as Police Commissioner. Commissioner Connors left Frank several issues to resolve in the NYPD, including Officer Thomas Sculley. Officer Sculley was one of the four police officers who accidentally shot an unarmed Muslim teenager a few months after 9/11. Officer Sculley was acquitted of all charges and allowed by then-Commissioner Connors to keep his job. In 2016, Officer Sculley passed the Sergeant's exam with a perfect score. Officer Sculley kept his head down for the last fourteen years, and made great strides to atone for his horrible mistake. Frank was reluctant to promote Officer Sculley because he believed tensions between citizens and the NYPD would grow worse. Frank ultimately offered Officer Sculley a choice. Officer Sculley's first choice was to transfer to another city in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Boulder, Colorado, Long Island or San Diego, California. Officer Sculley's second choice was to be promoted to Sergeant and occupy a desk position at the NYPD Erie Basin Auto Pound in Brooklyn. If Officer Sculley went with the second choice, he would be required to remain at the NYPD Erie Basin Auto Pound for the rest of his career.

In season one, Frank is favored and respected by his officers and NYC, to a point where Mayor Russo felt threatened by his popularity.

In season three, Frank was nearly served with a vote of no confidence by the NYPD rank and file, because he publicly apologized for the accidental shooting of a black man by Officer Blake instead of waiting for the official shooting report.

In season six, public opinion regarding the NYPD became negative, to a point where Frank was booed off-stage while speaking at Columbia University.

In spite of the challenges he has faced throughout his career, Frank continues to enjoy higher public opinion polls than any of the mayors he has served under.

Known Police Assignments

  1. NYPD Patrol Officer, 27th Precinct
  2. NYPD Patrol Officer, 25th Precinct
  3. NYPD Detective, 21st Precinct
  4. NYPD Senior Detective, Homicide
  5. NYPD Canine Team, Handler
  6. NYPD Special Investigations Unit, Commanding Officer
  7. NYPD Deputy Chief, Patrol Borough Brooklyn South
  8. NYPD Assistant Chief, Patrol Borough Brooklyn South
  9. NYPD Chief of Department
  10. NYPD Commissioner

Although Frank is no longer a NYPD Police Officer due to him serving as the Commissioner, he continues to wear his dress uniform and shield to special events: academy graduations, officer funerals, didications, etc.



Known Partners

Over his career, Frank had numerous partners.

  • William Carter –Frank's partner when he was a detective. They worked on a missing child case which went unresolved for twenty five years prior to season one. The cold case haunted him for years until they found the remains of the missing boy and arrested the killer.
  • Jimmy Burke – Frank's partner while Frank was assigned to the 27th Precinct. Burke took a bullet for Frank at one point. Burke was promoted to Inspector and placed in command of the 15th Precinct. While Burke was being considered for a promotion to Deputy Chief as the Deputy Commander of Patrol Borough Manhattan South, it was discovered he manipulated the crime statistics for the 15th Precinct. Frank allowed Burke to retire. If Burke did not retire, he would have been demoted to Captain and reassigned to the 128th Precinct in Staten Island.
  • Lenny Ross – Frank's partner while Frank was assigned to the 25th Precinct. By 2016, Lenny retired and became an author. Lenny wrote a book about his career, entitled "Back in the Day" describing his exploits with Frank.
  • John McKenna – An NYPD officer who was with Frank during 9/11, who later became sick and died from an illness he was exposed to during the attacks.
  • Greta – When assigned to the Canine Team as a handler, Frank's partner was Greta. Frank transferred from the Canine Team after Greta was shot and killed by a burglar Frank sent her after.

Involved Shootings

  • Richard Reed (Re-Do)


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Season One
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
"Officer Down"
Episode 5:
"What You See"
Episode 6:
"Smack Attack"
Episode 7:
Episode 8:
Episode 9:
Episode 10:
"After Hours"
Episode 11:
"Little Fish"
Episode 12:
"Family Ties"
Episode 13:
"Hall of Mirrors"
Episode 14:
"My Funny Valentine"
Episode 15:
Episode 16:
"Age of Innocence"
Episode 17:
"Silver Star"
Episode 18:
"To Tell the Truth"
Episode 19:
"Model Behavior"
Episode 20:
"All That Glitters"
Episode 21:
"Cellar Boy"
Episode 22:
"The Blue Templar"

Notes & Trivia

Frank was likely born between 1949 and 1950.

Around 71-72 years old.


Warning: Default sort key "Reagan, Francis" overrides earlier default sort key "Reagan, Frank".
